Dry tomatoes - Food Italia & Co Spa

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Round dried tomato

TYPE: dried
DESCRIPTION: 1st and 2nd choice dry
FORMAT: 10 kg cartons
AGRICULTURE: conventional
Long dry tomato

TYPE: dried
DESCRIPTION: 1st and 2nd choice dry
FORMAT: 10 kg cartons
AGRICULTURE: conventional

Dried cherry tomato

TYPE: dried
DESCRIPTION: 1st and 2nd choice dry
FORMAT: 10 kg cartons
AGRICULTURE: conventional
Operational headquarters
Via 1 Maggio n°31
             43043 BORGOTARO  (Parma )
             Tel. 0525/921185
8.00- 12.00 AM
           13.30 - 17.30 PM
           SAT - SUN  CLOSED
Registered Office
Via Settembrini 29 - 20124 Milano
             P. IVA 02117860342

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